Besides Bharat, this MARATHI FILM scored at the box office despite India vs Pakistan match! June 18, 2019October 14, 2019Fenil 1 The Sunday gone by, June 16, was quite a significant one. After all, it was the day when the crucial India vs Pakistan [...]
(Crisp) Movie Review: MOGRA PHULAALAA by FENIL SETA June 16, 2019October 14, 2019Fenil 1 Mogra Phulaalaa is a recently released Marathi flick starring Swapnil Joshi, Neena Kulkarni and marks the debut of Sai Deodhar in Marathi cinema [...]
Mogra Phulaalaa trailer launch: Swapnil Joshi and Neena Kulkarni’s mutual admiration club steals the show June 3, 2019October 14, 2019Fenil Comment As we climbed the stairs towards Plaza Preview Theatre, we paused. The star of the afternoon – Swapnil Joshi – was right there, [...]